If you have trouble sleeping one of the first steps to take is to keep a log of your bed times, what food you are eating before bed, and what activities you are doing before bed. When we have trouble sleeping we fall in to bad habits when it comes to food, drink, watching too much TV etc. By getting back on track with healthy eating can make a huge difference when it comes to insomnia.
Beat Insomnia
A lack of sleep is nothing to worry about if it is the odd night now and again, but if you find that you are getting less and less sleep it may be time to take action. Insomnia is a very serious condition and it should not be taken lightly. Long-term sleep deprivation will lead to you feeling sluggish, unable to concentrate and can be dangerous if you work in a demanding job. Lack of sleep can also contribute to weight gain and can impact our immune system so it is imperative that we get at least 7-9 hours sleep per night.
Great Foods to Promote Sleep
Naturewell Juice Bar LA believe in serving nutritious food that is good for your overall health and will promote good sleep. Below is a list of foods that can help promote sleep, including some fruits and vegetables that you can find in our LA smoothies:
Milk—including almond milk
You can enjoy these fruits and vegetables in the best smoothies LA and Juice Cleanse has to offer courtesy of Naturewell Juice Bar LA. Come and try our energy boosting smoothies in the day that will keep you active and ready for sleep in the evening.
Naturewell Juice Bar understands the importance of your health and wellbeing, which is why we are a brand that you can trust. While we are awesome at creating natural and healthy fruit and vegetable based recipes, we are not health experts.
The information that we share on our blogs is based on our own personal experiences and research carried out by those in the health and wellbeing industry. We refer to the FDA and the USA Department of Health and Human Services for guidelines
Any information, recommendations, suggestions, testimonials, or advice that we offer regarding diet, nutrition, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle should be discussed with your doctor or a qualified health professional. Any changes to your lifestyle may involve taking risks so it is important to understand that the information you receive on our website or in person, and from our product descriptions do not take the place of official medical advice.